We can help you address specific issues relating to your data and database files. Here’s some of the services we offer:
Maybe you just purchased one of our products, but don't want to lose the history in your old software. Let's talk about the data we can convert for you.
Have you lost trust in the accuracy of your data? There's many reasons this can happen. Invalid entries, deletions, changes, or staff turnover are just a few. You want to fix these problems, but it's a tedious, manual process your staff doesn't have time for. We can assist... freeing up your time for other ministry needs.
You've decided you'd like to network your office and combine two or more databases. This task is easier with teamwork. Our team of professionals will assist your staff with merging data and system files.
If you’re using an older version of our software, but need to upgrade, we can help you update your office.
Power outages and network failures can cause table corruption or even data loss. We can remedy these unfortunate situations by cleaning up data, as needed. Just give us a call.
To share your data files with the Data Services Team, please use the following links:
If you have questions, please email us at data@acstechnologies.com. Our operating hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.